During the last Assembly of the UJR AmLat, the affiliation of the Congregação Israelita Capixaba (CICAPI) to the regional reform movement was approved. Who are the Jews living in Vitória-ES, outside the Jewish street in Brazil? The UJR communication team went behind to know this story.
Comprised almost entirely by Jews from other capitals, nearly two decades ago they have been congregating in houses to celebrate Shabbat or to celebrate some chaguim. However, three years ago they inaugurated a space dedicated not only to activities of religious but also cultural. In the new place, with the support of CONIB and the Jewish Agency, the nineteen families associated take turns to maintain regular activities; currently, lectures and course of Hebrew.
CICAPI’s relationship with the UJR was initially mediated by its presidents, Alfredo Silberman and Raul Gotlieb. Today, in view of the commitment of the two institutions to strengthen Jewish life in the region of Capixaba and, consequently, in Latin America, we welcome the newest affiliated community. Bruchim haBaim!