For two long years our communities have had to adapt to ways of celebrating Jewish life in ways that ensure the safety and health of our members. After overcoming this period together, we had the joy of seeing several celebrations around Latin America of one of the most important moments of the Jewish calendar, when most families gather in their congregations to celebrate the arrival of a new cycle. The Yamim Noraim celebrations of 5783 were filled with creativity, with dinners, challah workshops and beautiful Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur religious ceremonies in the synagogues. At the end of this post, some records in different communities around Latin America. Shavua tov!
Sociedade Israelita do Ceará – CE, Brasil
Sociedade Israelita do Ceará – CE, Brasil
SIBRA – RS, Brasil
SIBRA – RS, Brasil
Associação Israelita Catarinense – SC, Brasil
Associação Israelita Catarinense – SC, Brasil
ACIB – DF, Brasil
ACIB – DF, Brasil
Centro Israelita de Pernambuco – PE, Brasil
Centro Israelita de Pernambuco – PE, Brasil
Associação Israelita Religiosa – RJ, Brasil
Congregação Beth El – SP, Brasil
Ruaj Ami – SCL, Chile
Fundación Judaica – Argentina
Fundación Judaica – Argentina
Mishkán Centro de Espiritualidade Judía – Argentina
Mishkán Centro de Espiritualidade Judía – Argentina