At Avanhandava in July we will have some special activities. The new Madrichim aspirants will give us madrichimot a peula on the first weekend of the month. From the 9th to the 11th of July we will have our magnificent online camp, including a Shabbat for the entire Avanhandava family, with our guest of honor Rabbi Michel who will share this moment with us before his new cycle in another country. On Saturday we will have a joint peula, the long-awaited campfire and, on Sunday, a peula per kvutza for closing the semester, and a horseshoe ceremony! In addition, participating chanichimot will receive a camping kit with items to be used throughout these three days. At the end of the month, we madrichimot will have a few days of preparation for the next semester to think about improvements, composition of Hanagah, Vaadat Chinuch and Vaadat Ksharim, looking for new ways to be tnuah and have fun, despite an uncertain and unclear moment.
Furthermore, in July there will be the new maskirut elections of the Zionist Jewish Youth Council, for which we are honored to have an Avanhandava candidate running for office, David Nusbaum.
In addition, in July there will be the World Conference of WAGGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts), in which one of our madrichot will participate as a delegated observer of the Federação de Bandeirantes do Brasil (Federation of Girl Guides of Brazil).
In July, we intend to donate the plants left over from the Letaken event to an institution that needs them or to people who can take care of them in order to take care of themselves, as cultivating plants is good for mental health.
And speaking of mental health, in July we will have two to three weeks of vacation at Avanhandava so that we can renew our energies for the next semester.
July will be a month of changes, innovations, learning, rest and, who knows, revolutions.
Fernanda Elimelek is the mazkirah of Avanhandava and a student of Information Systems at USP.