The “Beit Din”, literally the “house of judgment”, is the rabbinical court, a central body with millenary roots in the Jewish community structure that dates back to Raban Yohanan Ben Zakai days, who after the Holy Temple of Jerusalem destruction in the year 70 CE erected in Yavne the court of wise Jews with authority to rule, legislate and record common topics to Hebrew life.



In 2018, the first reform Beit Din of the Argentine Republic and Latin America was created in Buenos Aires. It is comprised of rabbis Roberto Graetz, Reuben Nisenbom and Sergio Bergman. Under their supervision, other rabbis and community leaders of the UJR-AmLat offer from Argentina and to the region the possibility of extending certifications and documents for the ceremonies performed by them, such as ketubot (marriages), proof of Judaism, guiurim certificates (conversions), etc.

On the other hand, the Beit Din of the Reform Rabbinate of the Argentine Republic is the body in charge of evaluating the students of the Reform Rabbinical Institute who aspire to raise to a higher level of the rabbinic formation until their ordination.
E-mail: info@institutorabinico.org Telefone: +54 11 4781 4070 Endereço: Sucre 1420, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina