We must renew the steps in the path of dialogue and the construction of bridges to promote and uphold the principles of respect and pluralism, indispensable for life in society.

The Union of Reform Judaism in Latin America, representing the affiliated communities together with Arzenu and the Institute of Reformist Formation, vehemently repudiate the series of attacks carried out in Colombo, Negombo and Batticaloa, Sri Lanka, at the moment of prayer during the celebration of the Christian Easter
We are witnessing again acts of hate perpetrated in places of worship and at times of religious festivities. As people of faith, we must renew the steps in the path of dialogue and the construction of bridges to promote and uphold the principles of respect and pluralism, indispensable for life in society. We urge all of us who travel days of celebration to include the victims of these attacks in our prayers.
These violent and discriminatory actions reflect a fanaticism that, far from representing the spiritual values that all religions promote, is a danger to peace and understanding among nations. We trust that justice will take the necessary steps to find, arrest and judge those directly responsible for this criminal act.
We tell the families of the murdered that we embrace them and share their pain, and we give the wounded our desire to refuá shlemá (complete healing) and hajlamá meirá (quick recovery).