WUPJ Board Chair strengthens bonds on tour of Latin American Jewish communities

The President of the Board of the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ), Phyllis Dorey, made an inspiring visit to UJR-AmLat affiliated communities in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and São Paulo (Brazil), emphasizing the values of inclusion, diversity and pluralism for Latin American Reform Judaism.

Starting her journey in the city of Buenos Aires, she visited the main Jewish institutions linked to the international progressive movement, in the various branches of the Fundación Judaica. President Dorey was able to visit the facilities of the Arlene Fern School and the NCI-Emanu El Community. Dorey toured every corner with admiration, from the nursery to the 7th grade classrooms of the school, as well as the Temple and community spaces, exchanging views on the future of Jewish education and sharing dreams and challenges with members of the local community.

She also met the group of volunteers from projects that encourage the inclusion of people with disabilities in the Jewish community and projects that work on inclusion through food. The president was also able to take part in a moment of remembrance for the victims and abductees of the conflict that began on October 7 and visit the grand Templo Libertad, with the aim of talking about strengthening the ties between the Buenos Aires Jewish community and WUPJ.

In the words of Patrícia Holzman, executive director of the Fundación Judaica: “Phyllis Dorey OAM’s visit left an indelible mark on Judaica’s headquarters in Buenos Aires and on its entire team of professionals and volunteers. Her commitment to education and progressive Judaism is a beacon of hope in uncertain times. We thank you for your inspiring presence and look forward to continuing to collaborate in building a bright future for the Jewish community.”

Following her visit to Brazil, Dorey traveled to São Paulo, where she was enthusiastically received by members of the local progressive Jewish community. She began her visit by attending the premiere of the film One Life at an exclusive screening for the Board of the Congregação Israelita Paulista (CIP). Together with the board of UJR-AmLat, based in São Paulo, Dorey had the opportunity to visit important partner institutions such as CONIB, the Brazil-Israel Institute, FISESP, UNIBES Cultural, Hebraica and the Jewish Museum and institutions affiliated with the local Reform movement such as CIP, Templo Beth-El, Kehilat Neshamá and the Avanhandava youth movement, affiliated with Netzer Olami. 

Phyllis Dorey’s visit provided a unique opportunity for progressive Latin American Jewish communities to connect with a global leadership committed to the principles of Reform Judaism. Her message of inclusion and diversity resonated among those present, strengthening ties and inspiring a renewed commitment to the core values of progressive Judaism in Latin America.

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