Jewish LGBTQIA+ groups come together to hold Pride Shabbat at Congregação Israelita Paulista

On Friday, June 24, a Pride Shabbat was held at the CIP Youth House. The event was organized by MOV.LGBTQIA+ (CIP), Hineni (Fisesp) and Gaavah (IBI) in June to collectively celebrate Jewish and LGBTQIA+ identities.

The presentation of the organizing groups reinforced the diversity and strength of the movement in the city, which is becoming increasingly visible. Being in this service, surrounded by familiar faces and also those who joined for the first time, awakened a sense of belonging and community. We honor the memory of those who came before us, we celebrate, we give thanks and we dream of the paths that are about to open up.

The meeting was attended by more than 80 people and the ceremony was followed by a kiddush and pocket show by the artist Assucena. In a light and powerful environment, we (re)connect!


Sonia V Mehl, coordinator of CIP’s MOV.20:35

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